"http://www.w3c.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loose.dtd"> xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> F.A.Q'S-Express Travel Jamaica- Jamica Vacation Services-1876-598-5982


Rent A Car In Jamaica


Rent a  bus in Jamaica


Free Dunn's River Falls Tour for Cruise passengers

free dunns river tour

Pay only $50.00 Transportation cost.



                                               VACATION   JAMAICA

Jamaican can be varied,as each tourist spot on unique its own right. option range booking week long an All-inclusive Re sort vacation automatically design for you.

 , be spontaneous leave all up to chance your fancy. stay 3 bedroom luxury beach villa, or rest small cottage negril You will not have any trouble finding accommodation Jamaica. you can even vacation a jamaican family home . in from is the island and

In spite of the island being in the center of the Caribbean sea , Jamaica is historically, and culturally distinct from its Caribbean neighbors, the island boast glorious waterfalls, pearly white sand beaches,sky blue warm Caribbean sea water, exotic greenery

and fauna, and its beast asset is

 its warm friendly people


                                 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT JAMAICA


  #1QUES:  what language do the locals speak?


#1ANS: The locals speak predominantly English , they also have their own language called "patio"(patwaa) which is broken English mixed with Spanish and french.

#2QUES: what is a good Service Tip to give in Jamaica?


#2ANS:A tip of 10%-15%  of your service cost is appropriate .

#3QUES:  Where can i book trip to attraction loactions ?


#3ANS: while we provide those services at  www.bookitvacationjamaica.com/custom/express.html.  we also recommend www.paradisevacationsjamaica.com  or you can Inquire at your hotel front desk

#4QUES:How do i get around in jamaica?

#4ANS: You have two options (1) public transportation or (2) private taxi. option(1)

is the same transportation the locals use in their every day commute , while less expensive  it is less reliable and is over crowded most times. a private taxi is the recommended mode of transportation  you can book one at Tel: 1876-598-5982.

  #5QUES: Can i smoke ganja "pot" in  Jamaica?

  #5ANS: Smoking, possessing,distributing, of ganja "pot" is ILLEGAL in jamaica.if you must smoke it we recommend you be very discreet ,  Jamaican jails can be one's worst nightmare you Do not want to end up in one.


#6QUES: How do i get from the Airport to my hotel in jamaiaca?

#6ANS: luckily we handle airport to Hotels everyday you can book it online for quick service on you arrival visit and book your airport taxi  www.bookitvacationjamaica.com/custom/airport.html